About Aubrie
“If you spend too much time fearing change, you will forget to celebrate it. Everything you love and cherish in life exists because of change. The continuous back and forth between endings and beginnings makes all things possible.”
– Yung Pueblo
What I’m Here to Do
I’m here to help people connect to themselves and make decisions from their center
When I graduated from my coaching program in 2009, I was filling out a reflection sheet – the sentence above was my response to the question “What difference do you hope to make as a coach?” It’s been an anchor and a compass since in supporting people in transition and change.
When my business coach asked me in 2024 who I am here to serve, I immediately answered “the mystery.” That is not what she meant! 🙂 But really, I know I’m on track if I focus on what makes me feel alive and hopeful – knowing that there is much more possibility than I can see in this moment. Amidst the joy and struggle is a way of living that feels freer and even more comfortable than existing in certainty.
So absolutely I’m here to serve you – guiding you to connect to yourself, your path, your mystery.
What I Bring
- 16+ years of career coaching expertise (checkout my LinkedIn profile for more career history details including a decade of global corporate work experience at Nike and navigating work transitions to non-profit work and entrepreneurship)
- 12+ years practicing astrology
- Career long commitment to DEI
- Extended training in transition, grief and group coaching
- 10 year Zen meditation practice
- First hand experience caregiving and losing a parent
- Years of impact and transformation from a brain injury
- Living through the joy of partnership and unique pain of divorce
- Moving to a new state, building a new life and community
- Age milestones up to 51! 🙂
My Threads
- Bridging the practical and inspirational
- Communicating in a straightforward & compassionate way
- Getting to the core of the matter
- Supporting people’s uniqueness
- Trusting we have the answers inside of us
- Providing tools and frameworks that shift perspective
I want to share a couple of times that felt like this for me. The first one was in 2008.
I had been working at a non-profit for students with disabilities for 3 years. I felt like I had found my ideal job, having made a very conscious career change from Nike. Unexpectedly, I was laid off.
In a moment, my life was shaken up. I lost a job I loved. I lost connection with my co-workers and the students. Just three months before the layoff, I had purchased a home – how was I going to pay a mortgage? 2008 was a pretty rough time to be looking for a job. Was I supposed to go back to corporate?
Within a week, I was at a neighbor’s house for a crafting party. I was lost, sad and in shock. I had no idea what was next. When someone asked what my craft was, I said lying on the floor. That night, I met my future husband.
Within a couple of weeks of that craft party, I made a decision to start my coaching practice. Scary and exciting.
It was a pivotal moment in my life – lost a job and career, bought a new house, started a new relationship, started a new business. None of this was smooth and easy. Beginnings and endings are both stressful. But it was a new chapter, and there was plenty of joy and growth.
The second big life change moment actually spanned 8 years, starting in 2016. It included my mom dying, my sister and her family leaving the state, getting divorced, getting a concussion and moving. You can read more about those events here.
None of us have all the answers and there is no right way to do life change. What I can do is use my empathy, my coaching expertise and my passion for the mystery of our lives to help guide you through this transition, this transformation.
The Red Glasses Logo Story
When I was a young girl, I wore a pair of red plastic glasses wherever I went. Those glasses have been with me since to remind me of my threads – who I am and who I’ll always be. When a colleague started to design the Coaching for Clarity logo, he decided on the red glasses as the basis for the image because of how they inspire me and how I hope to inspire others. The heart shape conveys my style – clarity with deep caring.