What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

There’s overlap between coaching and therapy.  When done well, both are about focused listening, asking good questions, changing perspectives, providing resources, being a sounding board. Emotions are welcome in both kinds of sessions.  Coaching and therapy cover the past, present, and future. 

One big difference is that coaching doesn’t go into what I call the yarn ball underneath of where you are – your childhood, for example.  There is no analysis or diagnosis in coaching.  You don’t need to worry about what you are sharing in coaching – I’m confident in the line between coaching and therapy and will let you know if we get in that territory.  I welcome you to be as open as feels comfortable to you.

Do I have to do both astrology & coaching?

It’s entirely up to you.  You can do coaching without incorporating astrology, and you can have an astrology consultation without doing any coaching at all. It’s your choice.


You talk about mystery in life.  Aren’t you supposed to help remove the mystery?

Have you ever had an unexpected event change the course of your life? Thought a situation was going to turn out a certain way, only to find that it turned out different (and better) than you thought?

I have.  I was in love with my work at Incight, helping students with disabilities on their transitions from college to career.  In 2008, after working with students for three years, I was laid off – just before the start of many of the students’ final year of school.  I was going to miss their graduations and transitions.  I was heartbroken.  After some grieving, I started Coaching for Clarity and while it was sad, scary, exciting and unknown, it was just the right thing for me.

Our lives thrive on this mystery – how a loss can turn into a win, how what we have planned can pale in comparison to what the universe has planned for us. Yes, it is vitally important to take practical steps in our lives. It is equally important, however, to leave room in the process for things that we cannot predict.  Staying as free as possible of assumptions and expectations is crucial.  So many people shut down their possibilities by telling stories of how it just won’t work. In my experience with clients I’ve noticed that not only do those assumptions rob energy they need to keep going, they also keep people on the edge of missing out on exciting opportunities and connections.

The unknown is inevitable and unavoidable, so we might as well welcome it in and open ourselves to the mystery.  It is my job to guide you through the unknown – providing just the right amount of structure to help you feel the forward movement, while leaving plenty of space for inspiration and excitement.


How do we get started?

Schedule a 30-minute intro consultation – we’ll get to know each other, you’ll get some insight into your situation and you can get  a feel for me and my work.